Preschool Education

Preschool education is designed in the spirit of the total immersion method, where the children, after a time of varied activities, find themselves in an environment where only Czech is spoken. Authentic communication situations help rapidly develop vocabulary and facilitate quicker understanding of the language structure. Acquiring the Czech language during preschool years at the same level as children of the same age living in the Czech Republic is a fundamental condition for successful schooling.

Photo from CSBH ZENEVA (3).jpg

We lead children from a young age to love the Czech language and Czech books, and we strive to awaken their interest in Czech culture and show them the connections between Czech history and world history. The main goal of teaching younger preschool children, aged 3 to 5 years, is to expand vocabulary, support the child in their ability to express themselves, work independently, and collaborate in a group. Through games, artistic education, and movement activities with music, children learn Czech proverbs, songs, poems and nursery rhymes.

During the zero year, from ages 5 to 6, children further prepare for the transition to the 1st grade through various speech therapy and graphomotor exercises. Children also work together on diverse projects, create journals about their readings, where they draw images from books that their parents are currently reading to them, and learn to present their work and opinions to others. Emphasis is placed on correct expression and gradually overcoming the fear of language barriers. For their transition to the 1st grade, children also prepare to do their first homework assignments, which are currently purely voluntary.     

The themes in preschool years are related to the seasons, the immediate environment of the children, and the rituals that accompany them throughout their lives. A part of preschool education includes regular outings near the school and outdoor play.

In the group for younger preschool children, we accept children aged 3 to 4 years. Classes for this group take place every Wednesday (except during school holidays) from 2:10 PM to 4:30 PM or until 5:15 PM, depending on parental preferences.

In the group for older preschool children, we accept children from the age of 5. Classes for this group take place every Wednesday (except during school holidays) from 2:10 PM to 5:15 PM.


For a child who turns 5 before the start of the school year, preschool education is mandatory. However, this obligation does not apply to Czech citizens living abroad. If the child returns to the Czech Republic during the school year or stays on Czech territory for more than 90 days, it is mandatory to enroll the child in compulsory preschool education, or alternatively, choose another way to fulfill this obligation. Another possible way is individual education for the child.

If Czech children are educated abroad for an extended period, we recommend that parents inform the assigned preschool according to their permanent residence that they are living abroad and that compulsory preschool education does not apply to their child. The assignment of their preschool is determined by the municipality through a mandatory municipal declaration that includes their permanent residence. However, this obligation is not contained in the law. Therefore, parents do not need to justify anything, even at the Czech preschool.

Elementary School – Grades 1 to 9

The education of children aged 6 to 15 years at the CSWB in Geneva takes place similarly to the Czech Republic, meaning within the framework of elementary school. From grades 1 to 9, our school teaches 5 lessons per week in the subject "Czech Language and Literature." From grade 4 onwards, the subject "My Czech World" (history and geography of the Czech lands) is added, which is replaced from grade 6 by the expanded subject "Czech Lands Yesterday and Today" (Czech civilization in a European and global context, knowledge in the field of Man and Society, Man and Nature).

All subjects are taught both separately and through project-based learning, which teaches children to think in broader contexts, work with information, not be afraid to seek original solutions, and ultimately work with others and communicate effectively.

Education in the school grades at ETSF (grades 1 to 9) takes place every Wednesday (except during school holidays) from 2:10 PM to 6:20 PM.

Each class at each grade level is opened only if there is a sufficient number of students.